melissa hajj

Melissa Hajj


Melissa is a design leader with experience building consumer and business software products at Meta, Apple, and more. In her 25-year career, she’s distilled complex systems into elegant user experiences, built products that scaled to billions of users, grown cross-functional teams, and helped designers thrive. Most recently, she led the team of 70+ designers at Instagram responsible for consumer video creation and creator monetisation products.

As a coach, Melissa has decades of experience helping design leaders increase their impact, manage stakeholders, make the transition from individual contributor to manager, and learn to lead others. For those at a career inflection point, she offers portfolio review and personally tailored advice for navigating the ever-changing product design landscape.

Book a free chemistry session with Melissa

We'll see how the two of us connect, and discuss goals and approach. Topics could include:

  • changes you may be looking to make;

  • what you're curious to know about coaching;

  • my experience and approach;

  • potential coaching topics which could move you forward; and

  • any questions you might have.

Not sure yet? Book a chemistry session with me to mutually decide if we would like to move forward with coaching sessions together.


  • Person with short hair and glasses smiling outdoors, wearing a blue jacket, blurred urban background.

    “I've been incredibly fortunate to have worked with Melissa as my coach and manager. She's been there for me at every stage of my design career, from the very beginning when I was just starting out, all the way to becoming a senior designer and transitioning into leadership roles. Melissa's support has played a significant role in my rapid growth across various areas, including design, collaboration, leadership, and product thinking. Having her as my coach has truly been a career highlight.”

    —Victoria Badenas, WhatsApp Design Manager

  • Person with a colorful checkered shirt and nose piercings smiling at the camera.

    "One of the highlights of the Good Maven coaching program for me was the portfolio review with Melissa. I appreciated Melissa's candor throughout the session and her direct feedback on my work was extremely helpful. Critique isn't easy and having someone who not only has a lot of experience as a hiring manager but can also provide honest feedback that feels addressable and heartening is truly a gift."

    —Kristin Koch, Principal Product Designer, Fidelity Investments

Melissa’s Coaching

Get expertise across the spectrum of growth that a designer needs in their career.

You can book single sessions to focus on something specific. You can also book packages of 6 or 12 sessions to develop a bespoke program that will meet you where you are today, and help get you where you want to go.

One session @ £500

Packages of 6 or 12 sessions starting @ £2850

Browse all Good Maven coaches

Meg offers career coaching, CV advice and interview preparation for designers and non-designers alike.

Laurence offers coaching for executives and leaders in English, French and Spanish.

Munjeet offers coaching to designers looking for their dream role, giving guidance on the recruitment process.

Timothy offers coaching to designers, focusing on craft and execution.